Environment > Strategic solutions > Increased energy efficiency  

Strategic solution: increased energy efficiency

Fig.1: Effects of an increase in energy efficiency
Fig.1: Effects of an increase in energy efficiency

Definition: efficiency in this regard relates to the ratio of input and output. The less input one requires in relation to output, the more efficient a process will run.
Mathematically expressed:

η = Output/Input

The nearer η to 1 is, the more efficient a process is. The nearer η to 0 is, the more losses will occur.

In the energy sector, the following interesting efficiency measures are being considered:

for example, burning of heating oil in a heating system in order to heat rooms


for example, conversion of crude oil into heating oil in a refinery.

The relation η can be characterized as the degree of efficiency or degree of utilization.1

There are a variety of options to increase energy efficiency. For some of these options, isoplus supply outstanding products:


[1] Wesselak V. & Schabbach T. Regenerative Energietechnik Springer Berlin / Heidelberg 2009, S. 35 f.